OK, so your company is dying to become active on social media channels.  Its all the buzz! Just sign up to Twitter, create a Facebook fan page, WordPress, YouTube and FourSquare accounts.  The more, the merrier. Start tweeting, posting, blogging, uploading videos…

Sure, sounds so simple.

The problem is if you haven’t taken the time to do research, define your audience and be willing to make a consistent commitment to creating and developing an ongoing relationship with them, it will fail: If you don’t have a social media strategy and plan in place BEFORE you start, and understand the resources it takes, it won’t be successful and no one will pay attention.

Its worth spending a little more time upfront to really understand the social media space your target audience is frequenting.  Listen.  Learn.  And put together a thoughtful plan. Then dive into that sea full force, and succeed!

It’s so rewarding! But, in my experience, you’ve just gotta have an upfront strategy and a plan!

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